Monday, June 4, 2012

wings and feet.

harini aku mencari qoute2 untuk idea aku melukis. sekali terklik dan tertengok qoute menyebut seperti di atas. memulenye aku pun konfius. die ni nak kate ape sebenarnye. adakah dia ngatakan imaginasi tanpa belajar adalah tidak berguna kerana hanya mempunyai kepak sahaja tetapi tidak mempunyai kaki? apakah sebenarnya yang cuba disampaikan sampai menggangu tidur siang aku. ngek betui'

em. let see.kite kupas satu satu ek.kalau dulu albert einstein ade ngatekan " Imagination is more important than knowledge" . same goes to this qoute you know. he try to say that if you have a wing to fly , why then you have to walk using feet?? i mean, for a person to get to his destination, there is always a shortcut. some are gifted. some trained themselves to be.

remember back the old days, i have this one friend, best friend you can say. we were in the same field of medical degree. We had been given a notes according to topics that we have to learn. It just a mere basic concept, a simple picture and simple explanation notes. He just read it, not so much of referring to the giant medical books and wops he fly to the top -just-like-that.

I think he is gifted , can relate the basic concept one another and genius. if he had this imagination skill in the process of understanding, why then he have to refer to the books?

albert einstein.


  1. Haha.. kelakor pulak bila ko translate direct trus tu...

  2. Deep meaning you have there bro. Yeah, each person/individual is unique.

  3. follow u back...hmm, lama tinggalkan bahasa kampung saya ni, x pandai nak memahaminya..hehe
